Our Mate, Steve McLauchlan


"These tyres have taken me to the middle of nowhere and back multiple times.

I loved them so much after using them on multiple offroad trips on the Pajero that I made sure I also used them on the Patrol. They've done some heavily loaded offroad trips with the most recent being a 15,000km trip from Perth to Fraser via the Anne Beadell, Madigan Line and home via the West Macdonnel ranges and the Great Central rd.

These tyres have taken me to the middle of nowhere and back multiple times.


Where have you traveled on your Mickeys?

Anne Beadell, Canning Stock Route, Simpson, French line and Madigan Line, Vic High Country, Fraser Island, WA Telegraph Track (Esperance to Cocklebiddy)


How much mileage have you gotten out of your Mickeys?:

90,000km's on my NW Pajero, 22,000km's on my GU Patrol so far.


What tyre pattern are the driving on and why?

ATZ P3 on both vehicles. I like the aggressive all terrain pattern, as they get me where I need to go as a touring vehicle. They go where I point them on the dirt and they aren't too noisy on the black stuff."


Steve Mclauchlan, Thornlie 6108


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